The TYCHOS - Our Geoaxial Binary System
HARDCOVER BOOK NOW AVAILABLE: To purchase a physical hardcover copy of the elegant and richly illustrated 2nd Edition of "The TYCHOS - Our Geoaxial Binary System" (December 1, 2023), click here (opens in a new tab).
To read the freely accessible PDF of the 320-page book, click here (opens in a new tab). If you do so, please consider supporting the ongoing Tychos research with a one-off or monthly donation. Thank you!
WEBSITE UPDATED ! (May 2024) May 4, 2024: This is to announce that I have now updated the website with the final (proofread, polished and revised) versions of all 32 chapters of the Tychos book, just as they are to be found in the hardcover book available at LULU (see above). This also means that you can now easily reference / hyperlink any given subchapter sections of your interest, since they all have their individual URL. Of course, one of the main purposes of this website is to stimulate online discussions about the Tychos model, something that this new feature should facilitate.
RUSSIAN VERSION OF THE TYCHOS BOOK ! [РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ КНИГИ «ТИХОС» !] July 19, 2024: This is to announce the release of a magnificent Russian translation of the TYCHOS book, by Alexander Pohilko. All the original English captions of the book's graphics have also been translated into Russian, making this the first ever 'fully-translated' version of the book. You may find the link to the Russian PDF below - and the hardcover version should soon be available at LULU books (watch this space).
“Chi va piano va sano — e va lontano.” (old Italian adage)
("He who goes slowly goes safely — and goes far")
PDF OF THE BOOK - in English, German, Dutch and Russian
February 5, 2024: Today I have decided (in the interest of maximum public diffusion) to make the full 320-page PDF of the 2nd Edition of "The TYCHOS - Our Geoaxial Binary System" freely downloadable. Enjoy, share and diffuse far & wide - and do kindly consider making a one-off or monthly donation (opens in a new tab) in support of the TYCHOS research, an ongoing enterprise I have pursued non-stop for over a decade - with no academic / institutional funding whatsoever. It is a work in progress and much remains to be done, such as the continuing development of the Tychosium 3D simulator (headed by my closest collaborator Patrik Holmqvist) and the translation of the book in various languages. Many thanks for your most appreciated and much-needed support.
PDF of the original English version of the Tychos book (2nd Edition): TYCHOS BOOK PDF - English (opens in a new tab)
PDF of the German version of the book (translation by Wini Schäfer): TYCHOS BOOK PDF - German (opens in a new tab)
PDF of the Dutch version of the book (translation by Jack Poet): TYCHOS BOOK PDF - Dutch (opens in a new tab)
NEW!(July 2024): PDF of the Russian version of the book (translation by Alexander Pohilko): TYCHOS BOOK PDF - Russian (opens in a new tab)
June 15 & 16, 2024: Two-day TYCHOS event in Hertfordshire, UK (25 miles north of London). Details here: (opens in a new tab)
Oct 31 - Nov 2, 2024: It is now confirmed that I will be presenting the TYCHOS model at the 3-day "Renewal Of Science" conference (opens in a new tab) to be held at the COMPUTER HISTORY MUSEUM in Mountain View, California. To all my American friends and followers, I dearly hope to see you all there. I will be speaking at around 2pm on Friday, November 1 and am currently working on a refined slideshow presentation of the TYCHOS model. Don't miss out!
Discuss the Tychos Model at the TYCHOS FORUM (opens in a new tab)
The TYCHOSIUM 3D simulator
NOTE for the online readers of this book: Before you start reading the 32 chapters of this book, I highly recommend you to open on your laptop the TYCHOSIUM 3D simulator (opens in a new tab) and spend some time getting familiar with its functions (some basic tips and instructions can be found in Chapter 4 (opens in a new tab) of this book). The TYCHOSIUM is a work in progress - but it is already the most accurate simulator of our Solar System in existence as it correctly maps the observed alignments of our planets vis-à-vis the stars, unlike any of its heliocentric counterparts.
THE TYCHOS - our Geoaxial Binary System (2nd Edition - 2023)
by Simon Shack
Table of contents (opens in a new tab)
Please donate (opens in a new tab)
About the author (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 1: A brief history of geo-heliocentrism (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 2: About binary / double star systems (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 3: About our Sun-Mars binary system (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 4: Introducing the TYCHOS model (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 5: Mars, the “key” that Kepler never found (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 6: Is Sirius the “twin” of our Solar System? (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 7: The Copernican model : a geometric impossibility (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 8: About the Sun's two moons: Mercury & Venus (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 9: Tilts, obliquities and oscillations (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 10: Requiem for the “Lunisolar Wobble” theory (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 11: Earth’s PVP orbit (Polaris-Vega-Polaris) (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 12: The relative motions of the Sun and Earth (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 13: Our system's 'central driveshaft': the Moon (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 14: The Moon: curing Newton’s headache (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 15: Our Asteroid belts and Meteor showers (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 16: Our Cosmic Clockwork and the “16 factor” (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 17: “The Great Inequality” – solved by the TYCHOS (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 18: Uranus, Neptune & Pluto prove the PVP orbit (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 19: Understanding the TYCHOS' Great Year (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 20: The 811000-year Mega Cycle (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 21: A Man’s Yearly Path, the Analemma and the N°137 (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 22: Deconstructing Bradley & Einstein (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 23: Are the stars much closer than believed? (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 24: Dayton Miller – and the speed of Earth (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 25: The ‘Negative’ Stellar Parallax demystified (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 26: Probing Kapteyn, Hubble and Esclangon (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 27: The MOMENTOUS incongruity (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 28: Barnard’s star confirms the TYCHOS (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 29: EROS & TYCHOS : love at first sight (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 30: Halley’s comet : the Great Deceiver (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 31: List of puzzles solved by the TYCHOS (opens in a new tab)
Chapter 32: Epilogue: may reason prevail (opens in a new tab)
Appendix I — Table of Acronyms, Terms and Constants (opens in a new tab)
Appendix II — Miscellaneous data for bodies in the TYCHOS system (opens in a new tab)
All original content © copyright Simon Shack 2022
With illustrations by the author
All other content is copyright the respective owners and is used for purposes of scholarship. According to the “Fair Use” clause of International Copyright Law, the author declares that the use of photos, illustrations and information in this academic research are used for purposes of “criticism, comment, reporting, teaching, scholarship and research” according to Section 107 of Title 17 of the US Code. – Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use, U.S. Copyright Code.
- Copy-editing and revisions by Jesper Sampaio
- Book Design and Layout by Per Berglund
- Webmaster and curator of the Tychos online forum (opens in a new tab): Timo Rajala
- Computer programmer of the Tychosium 3D simulator (opens in a new tab): Patrik Holmqvist
This book is dedicated to Kerstin & Eyvind who brought me to this wondrous planet.
Thank you so much for supporting the TYCHOS research! (opens in a new tab)