Chapter 32 — Epilogue: may reason prevail

Epilogue: may reason prevail

In light of the evidence presented in this book, I will venture to say that the TYCHOS model is more than just another ‘alternative’ cosmological theory. I am satisfied that it represents the most solid interpretation of the vast body of ancient and current astronomical observations available to mankind. These observations, gathered tirelessly over the centuries by lovers of science and wisdom, constitute the very foundation from which the TYCHOS model draws its logical conclusions. All I have done is to rearrange the pieces of a seemingly disjointed puzzle, using what was already there for everyone to see. My infinite respect and gratitude go to all the patient souls who dedicated their lives to the noble cause of understanding our surrounding cosmos. To name them all would fill several pages, so let me just symbolically tip my hat to Tycho Brahe whose widely snubbed yet formidably accurate observational opus is now well and truly resurrected.

It is a most unfortunate fact that Tycho Brahe’s and Pathani Samanta’s magnificent contributions to astronomy have been virtually obliterated from history in spite of their substantial accuracy and verifiable validity. The TYCHOS model emphatically revives and revalidates their lifetime efforts along with those of other industrious scientists whose work was misunderstood, belittled or merely ignored. The time has come to do them justice and to reassess the configuration of our Solar System with a fresh and earnest outlook.

For the last three centuries or more, modern Western civilization has identified with the world view of heliocentrism, despite its glaring contradictions and complete lack of empirical support. Man’s place in the universe was made to change from central to peripheral, from meaningful to insignificant. The immediate physical perception of our centrality in relation to the Sun and the planets, the perfect order and stability of the celestial motions and the non-gargantuan size of the stars were negated by the Copernican paradigm, despite forceful objections from a number of judicious minds. Throughout the 17th century, at a time when the Tychonic world view was widely disseminated, the configuration of the solar system was still open to vivid debate. However, along with the systematic promotion of Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Einstein and others to the rank of ‘science heroes’, and more recently the advent of ‘space agencies’ of make-believe hyper-technological prowess, the debate on fundamental issues capable of rocking the Copernican boat has become a no-no within mainstream academic institutions.

The fact of the matter is that the heliocentric edifice has begun to crackle and will inevitably collapse, as it should have long ago. Not even the most creative ad hoc hypotheses can keep the Copernican corpse fresh forever. The insufferable dogmatic attitude and instinct of institutional self-preservation preventing scholars and thoughtful laymen from openly discussing the stunning evidence amassed in this book is not doing a service to science or the common good. It is time to shake off the Copernican dust and the existential catastrophe anxiety and realize how privileged we are to be on this beautiful and unique planet cruising blissfully through space at the comfortable speed of 1 mph, embraced by the Sun-Mars binary system.

May reason prevail.