Appendix II — Miscellaneous data for bodies in the TYCHOS system

Appendix II — Miscellaneous data for bodies in the TYCHOS system

EARTH orbital Ø: 113 230 656 km (the “PVP” orbit)
Orbital circumference: 355 724 597 km
Diameter at equator: 12756.3 km
Equatorial circumference: 40075 km
Orbital speed: 1.601169 km/h or 0.000444 km/s (or 0.00149326% of the Sun’s orbital speed)
Rotational period: 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds (or 23.9345 hours)
Rotational speed: 0.0006963 rpm or 1674.36 km/h (40075 km / 23.9345 hours) at the equator
Earth moves daily by 38.428 km and by 14036 km each year
Earth's annual motion against the stars: ∼51.136" arcseconds
Earth completes 1 revolution around its PVP orbit in 25344 years (the "TGY") 25344 x 51.1363636(periodic) = 1 296 000" arcseconds (or 360°)

MOON orbital Ø: 763 095 km
Orbital circumference: 2 397 333.6 km
Diameter at equator: 3474.8 km (about 27.24% of Earth’s Ø, 51% of Mars’ Ø and 0.25% of the Sun’s Ø)
Equatorial circumference: ∼10920 km
Orbital speed: 3656 km/h (i.e. ∼29.3 x slower than Sun’s orbital speed of 107226 km/h) Mean perigee: 363396 km
Mean apogee: 405504 km
Difference between mean perigee and mean apogee: 42108 km (or 3 x 14036 km) Closest perigee on record: 356375 km (Jan 4, 1912)
Most distant apogee (predicted on Feb 3, 2125): 406720 km Average Earth-Moon distance: 381547.5km
Rotational speed: 16.65 km/h (∼10 x Earth’s orbital speed and ∼100 x slower than Earth’s rotational speed)
The Earth-Moon distance is also approximately 10 x Earth’s circumference of 40075 km
Rotational period: 27.322 days (same as sidereal period of 27.322 days, due to tidal lock)
Moon’s True Mean Synodic Period (the Moon's "TMSP" in the TYCHOS) : ∼29.22 days
Earth's orbital Ø versus Moon's orbital Ø : 113 230 656 km / 763095 km = 148.38343 x larger

SUN orbital Ø: 299 193 439 km
Orbital circumference: 939 943 910 km (2.6423 x Earth’s PVP orbit)
Diameter at equator: 1 392 000 km
Equatorial circumference: 4 373 093 km
Orbital speed: 107226 km/h (or 29.785 km/s)
Perigee: 147.1 Mkm
Apogee: 152.1 Mkm (Average Earth-Sun distance : 149.6 Mkm or 1 AU)
Rotational speed: 6675 km/h (∼1/16th of its own orbital speed and ∼4 x Earth’s rotational speed)
Rotational period (around own axis): ∼27.3 days (similar to the Moon’s 27.322-day sidereal period)
1 arcsecond of Sun's displacement as viewed from Earth = 725.265 km

MARS orbital Ø: 456 800 000 km
Orbital circumference: 1 435 079 524 km (1.52677 x Sun’s orbit or 4.034 x Earth’s PVP orbit)
Diameter at equator: 6792.4 km
Equatorial circumference: 21339 km
Perigee: 56.6 Mkm (or near-exactly the PVP orbit's radius of 56.615 Mkm)
Apogee: 400.2 Mkm (average Mars-Earth distance: 228.4 Mkm)
Perihelion: 206.6 Mkm
Aphelion: 250.2 Mkm (average Mars-Sun distance: 228.4 Mkm)
Rotational speed: 891.55 km/h (or 1.88 x slower than Earth’s rotational speed.
Mars revolves once around the Sun in 686.9 days, or almost exactly 365.25 days X 1.88)
Rotational period (around its axis): 23.9345 hours, the same as Earth

VENUS orbital Ø: 216 400 000 km

Orbital circumference: 679 840 650 km
Diameter at equator: 12103.6 km
Equatorial circumference: 38024.5 km
Perigee: 38.2 Mkm
Apogee: 261 Mkm (average Venus-Earth distance: 149.6 Mkm or 1 AU)
Perihelion: 107.48 Mkm
Aphelion: 108.94 Mkm (average Venus-Sun distance: 108.2 Mkm)
NOTE: 108.2 Mkm + 5 Mkm (Sun’s perigee/apogee difference) = 113.2 Mkm (i.e. Ø of Earth’s PVP orbit)
Rotational speed: 2.711 km/h (or about 1/6 that of our Moon)
Rotational period (around its axis): 584.4 days (or 14025.6 hours)

MERCURY orbital Ø: 115 818 454 km
Orbital circumference: 363 854 404 km
Diameter at equator: 4879.4 km
Equatorial circumference: 15329 km
Perigee: 77.3 Mkm
Apogee: 221.9 Mkm (average Mercury-Earth distance: 149.6 Mkm or 1 AU)
Perihelion: 46.0 Mkm
Aphelion: 69.8 Mkm (average Mercury-Sun distance: 57.9 Mkm)
Rotational speed: 5.465 km/h (or about 1/3 that of our Moon)
Rotational period (around its axis): 116.88 days (or 2805.12 hours)

PHOBOS orbital Ø: 18756 km (orbits Mars in 459 minutes – or 7.65 hours)
Diameter: ∼22.2 km (27×21.6×18.8)
Orbital circumference: 58923.66 km
Orbital speed: 58923.66 km / 7.65 hrs = 7702.44 km/h

DEIMOS orbital Ø: 46918 km (orbits Mars in 1818 minutes – or 30.3 hours)
Diameter: ∼12.6 km (10×12×16)
Orbital circumference: 147397.11 km
Orbital speed: 147397.11 km / 30.3 hrs = 4864.6 km/h

JUPITER orbital Ø: 1 557 140 000 km (13.752 x Earth’s PVP orbit diameter)
Orbital circumference: 4 891 899 584.6 km
Diameter at equator: 142984 km
Orbital period: 12 years / 4383 days / or 105192 hours
Jupiter’s orbit is 5.204 x larger than the Sun’s orbit

SATURN orbital Ø: 2 853 332 844 km (25.2 x Earth’s PVP orbit diameter)
Orbital circumference: 8 964 009 501 km
Diameter at equator: 120536 km
Orbital period: 30 years / or 10957.5 days / or 262980 hours
Saturn’s orbit is 9.536 x larger than the Sun’s orbit

URANUS orbital Ø: 5 744 920 000 km (50.73 x Earth’s PVP orbit diameter)
Orbital circumference: 18 048 198 467.5 km
Diameter at equator: 51118 km
Orbital period: 84 years / or 30681 days / or 736344 hours
Uranus’s orbit is ∼19.2 x larger than the Sun’s orbit

NEPTUNE orbital Ø: 8 990 120 000 km (79.39 x Earth’s PVP orbit diameter)
Orbital circumference: 28 243 294 946.9 km
Diameter at equator: 49528 km
Orbital period: 165 years / or 60266.25 days / or 1 446 390 hours
Neptune’s orbit is ∼30 x larger than the Sun’s orbit

PLUTO orbital Ø: 11 812 760 000 km (104.32 x Earth’s PVP orbit diameter)
Orbital circumference: 37 110 880 034.6 km
Diameter at equator: 2374 km
Orbital period: 248 years / or 90582 days / or 2 173 968 hours
Pluto’s orbit is ∼39.5 X larger than the Sun’s orbit

EROS orbital Ø: 436 194 115 km (3.85 x Earth’s PVP orbit diameter)
Orbital circumference: 1 370 344 227 km
Size: ∼16.84 km (34.4 × 11.2 × 11.2 km)
Orbital period: 1.76 years
Perigee to perigee cycle: 81.1 years
Eros' orbit is 1.4579 x larger than the Sun's orbit

HALLEY'S COMET orbital Ø: 5 009 994 136 km
Orbital circumference: 15 739 360 772 km
Size: 15 x 8 km
Orbital period: 75.692 years
Halley's orbit is 16.745 x larger than the Sun's orbit